PARADISE CITY - Season One Teaser (Andy Black, Bella Thorne, Cameron Boyce, Drea De Matteo, Hopsin)
18 views • Mar 23, 2021
Paradise City - Season One Debuts March 25, 2021 Song: Palaye Royale - Tonight Is The Night I Die "The lives of a rock star with ties to the occult and a young rookie kid who idolizes him collide through their broken homes built by the music business." Release Date & Network: Amazon Prime Video, March 25 2021 Created, Written & Directed By: Ash Avildsen - @ashavildsen Director of Photography: Michael Alden Lloyd - @michaelaldenlloyd Executive Producers: Ash Avildsen Lorenzo Antonucci Jeff Cohen Anthony Mastromauro Starring: Andy Black - @andyblack Bella Thorne - @bellathorne Cameron Boyce - @thecameronboyce Drea De Matteo - @dreadematteo Mark Boone Jr - @markboonejunior Fairuza Balk - @fairuza BooBoo Stewart - Olivia Culpo - @oliviaculpo Ryan Hurst - @rambodonkeykong Perrey Reeves - @perreyreeves Rhys Coiro - @rhyscoiro Ben Bruce - @benjaminpaulbruce James Cassells - @cassells Hopsin - @hopsin Natalie Eva Marie - @natalieevamarie Amanda Steele - @amandasteele Brooke Lyons - @brookielyons Kellin Quinn - @kellinquinn Randy Blythe - @drandallblythe Juliet Simms - @thejulietsimms Lorenzo Antonucci - @lorenzoantonuccijr Sid Wilson - @sidthe3rd Grace Powell - @mastergracey_ Taylor Wade - @taylorblonde Kimi Shelter - @kimishelter Emily Moon - @moondrum Paige Hathaway - @paigehathaway Javier Reyes - @jjavierreyess Jose Mangin - @josemangin Tomm Voss - @tommvoss Nicky Cordasco - @agentnickyc Also starring but not in teaser: Nita Strauss - @hurricanenita Matt Pinfield - @therealmattpinfield Jim Ross - @jimrossbbq Porsche Coleman - @Porschacoleman Ned Bellamy - @ned_bellamy Gino Cafarelli - @ginocafarelli Brittany Parisi - @brittanymarieparisi Norman Johnson Jr - @normanjohnsonjr JJ Cassiere - @jjcassiere Oliver Trevana - @olivertrevena Angie Simms - @angiesimms Rigan Michado - @riganmichado Max Wasa - @onionpeeler Major Dodge - @majordodge
Paradise City
A controversial rock band with ties to the occult and the maestros who work with them try to keep their west coast family dynamic together amidst the chaos of the industry as a haunting secret of the singer and a young groupie arrives on his doorstep. Their path intertwines with an east coast rookie kid who idolizes them and tries to make his way in the music business as the ultimate underdog.

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